
WOW 2024:家长、家庭和支持者导向


父母、家庭、 & 支持者取向

2024年8月16日星期五- 8月17日星期六

欢迎来到康考迪亚体验馆. We invite you to attend orientation with your student as we believe you play an integral role in your student's transition to 欧文康考迪亚大学. We have both Student Sessions and 父母、家庭、 and Supporter Workshops scheduled for Orientation. In addition to ensuring that your student receives the necessary support to settle in comfortably, 我们也想让你成为康考迪亚家族的重要成员.


*注:时间表可能会有变化. 到达后,您将收到一份最终的打印时间表 



7:30 AM - 10:00 |入住登记和清关| 东停车场/格林大厅天井

All new students will receive their check-in time to their 鹰电子邮件. 请按预定时间到达,并在东区检票. 您将收到带有W的欢迎包.O.W. 时间表和你的名牌. 住宿学生将被引导到RES生活登记.

Students with holds on their account will need to clear their holds before being able to move into their housing assignment. 您可以通过MyRecords帐户查找hold. 为了加快办理登机手续的速度, holds with the following departments should be cleared prior to your arrival on campus.

  • 招生
  • 财务主管
  • 金融援助
  • 注册商
  • 健康中心

7:30 AM - 11:30 AM |住宅入住| 鞋面草坪

Residential students will check in at 鞋面草坪 to meet their Resident Director and Resident Assistant. You will pick up your key and Hunt shirt at your designated building’s tent. Cars will be directed to move- in zones based on their housing assignment. Once the vehicle is completely unloaded, you will be directed to park in the Main Lot.

上午8:00 -下午7:00 |信息亭开放| 地点待定

If you have any questions during the weekend, feel free to stop by the Information booth. Stop by the information booth for: extra schedules, lanyards, meal tickets, or for late check in.

上午8:00 -下午4:30 |书店开门| 书店(健身房及走廊)

Pick up Concordia swag or purchase your textbooks at our bookstore, located in the heart of campus.

上午8:00 -下午4:30 |收发室开放| 收发室(学生会地下)

访问邮件收发室设置您的邮箱或领取任何包裹. 所有私人信件都可以寄到康考迪亚的地址:


上午10:00 - 11:00 |通勤者办理登机手续和通关| 东停车场/格林大厅天井

All new students will receive their check-in time to their 鹰电子邮件. 请按预定时间到达,并在东区检票. 您将收到带有W的欢迎包.O.W. 时间表和你的名牌.

Students with holds on their account will need to clear their holds before being able to move into their housing assignment. 您可以通过MyRecords帐户查找hold. 为了加快办理登机手续的速度, holds with the following departments should be cleared prior to your arrival on campus.

  • 招生
  • 财务主管
  • 金融援助
  • 注册商
  • 健康中心

上午11:30 -下午12:30 |通勤工作坊| 德纳礼堂,格林大厅120

认识其他通勤学生, 了解校园里的休息室, and hear about all of the fun commuter events to add to your calendar- including $1 commuter lunches! Make sure to attend for your chance to win some awesome prizes to make your life as a commuter easier!

上午12:30 -下午1:30 |西班牙语1级家长会议| 联合中心

加入HSI总监Erika Sanchez for a parent session in Spanish to get key information about supporting your student during their Concordia experience.

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM |午餐区| 下议院的草坪

上午11:30 -下午2:00 |学部及校园资源展映| 体育网

Check out all that Concordia has to offer to help you succeed academically, 社会, 和精神上. Students who check in via QR code will be entered into the Saturday Closing Ceremony raffle for a chance to win prizes worth up to $500! 如果你还没有拍摄身份证照片, 请务必到体育馆入口旁的校园安全摊位参观.

下午2:00 - 2:30 |总统欢迎| 纳尔逊圆形剧场

Students, 家庭, and Supporters are invited to join us for the official start to W.O.W. President 迈克尔·托马斯。 and ASCUI (Associated Students of 欧文康考迪亚大学) Natalie Annunziatio will share a few words about the Concordia experience.

下午2:30 - 4:00 |家长与行政人员交流| 地点待定

父母, 家庭, and Supporters are invited to hear from 欧文康考迪亚大学 leadership about what to expect from the Concordia experience and how to support your student during their first year.


  • Dr. 迈克尔·托马斯总统
  • 牧师. Dr. Scott Ashmon,高级副校长,教务长
  • Megan Bouslaugh, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • 克里斯托·罗森塔尔,体育总监
  • 蒂姆·奥德,大学运营和体育副校长

下午4:00 - 4:30 | WOW家庭敬拜| 纳尔逊圆形剧场

Gather in worship with the Concordia family in this special worship service, 由我们的校园事工团队带领, 艾比西以及校园牧师昆顿·安德森.

下午4:30 - 7:00 |晚餐区| 下议院的草坪

下午4:30 - 5:30 |荣誉欢迎环节| 德纳礼堂,格林大厅120

荣誉计划的学生和支持者被邀请与博士见面. C.J. 阿姆斯特朗, 这个项目的主管, to learn more about the experiences and courses offered for Honors students.

下午5:00 - 6:00 |残疾人无障碍服务开放日| 保罗和凯西施罗德图书馆和学习共享,测试中心

Stop by the 测试中心 to look at our facilities and meet the Director of DAS, Stephanie Staley. 提供茶点.

下午5:30 - 6:30 |西班牙语第2堂家长会| 联合中心

加入HSI总监Erika Sanchez for a parent session in Spanish to get key information about supporting your student during their Concordia experience.

下午6:00 - 7:00 |多元文化俱乐部开放日| 统一中心天井

欢迎大家来见Mrs. Mo, 负责学生事务的副院长, and the LEAD Diversity Awareness team for a special reception to celebrate the diversity of our student body. 了解我们的各种文化俱乐部和参与的方式!

晚上7:00 - 9:00 |家长、家人和支持者欢乐时光| 托马斯校长之家(在好牧人教堂后面的校园)

呼吁所有家长和支持者! 加入博士. 迈克尔·托马斯。, 他的妻子, 金, and other key members of the Concordia community for drinks and desserts while your student gets settled on campus. 这种“开放日”式的活动可以让你认识其他家庭, 与托马斯总统谈话, 并从漫长的一天,把你的学生搬进新家放松.


上午8:30 -下午1:30 |信息亭开放| 地点待定

If you have any questions during the weekend, feel free to stop by the Information booth. Stop by the information booth for: extra schedules, lanyards, meal tickets, or for late check in.

上午8:30 - 9:00 |咖啡招待会| 地点待定

Start the morning with coffee, tea, and light pastries before the first events of the day.

上午9:00 - 10:00 |学生事务处家长会议| 地点待定

父母 and Supporters are invited to hear from key Student Affairs Directors about campus resources, 校园生活, 以及如何最好地指导你的学生 父母 and Supporters are invited to hear from key Student Affairs Directors about campus resources, 校园生活, 以及如何最好地引导你的学生顺利过渡到大学.


  • 居住生活
  • 健康中心
  • 学生生活与领导
  • 户外娱乐和CU活动
  • 学术顾问
  • 校园安全
  • 职业服务
  • 和更多的!

上午10:00 - 11:30 |家庭早午餐| 下议院的草坪

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |闭幕式| 纳尔逊圆形剧场

和我们一起作为父母来庆祝和祈祷吧, 家庭, 《亚洲体育博彩平台》即将结束. New students will hear from the Dean of Students about what it means to be a Golden Eagle as they create the Incoming Class of 2024 art piece.

下午12:30 - 1:30 | CU稍后:根汁汽水送出| 地点待定

Snap a family picture at the photo booth and grab a root beer float served by Concordia Alumni! 此活动结束家长、家庭及支持者辅导.

下午1:30 - 2:00 |可选:与DAS家长会| 测试中心

如果您对残障人士无障碍服务有其他问题, 请随时到测试中心和斯蒂芬妮·斯特利聊天.


欧文康考迪亚大学 父母联系

家庭 often experience an adjustment period when a child enters a new university, 他们是否作为一年级学生入学, 从其他学院或大学转学, 住在校园里, 或通勤. 作为家长, you have also begun a new phase in life as you take a supportive role in your student's newest endeavor.

We want to assure you that you will not be alone in experiencing this transition. Our campus staff is dedicated to support and assure the well-being of your student as well as address any questions or concerns you have. 具体地说, the Office of 第一年的经验 is geared toward providing you student resources that ensure a smooth transition.

We value our partnerships with parents and family members as we strive to develop your student into a wise, 可敬的, 培养学生. 成功地为你的学生建立一个支持网络, we ask for your assistance in fostering your student's growth as they will be seeking your guidance and advice throughout their time at Concordia.

We encourage you to be a member of our parent mailing where you will receive newsletters, our 大学的杂志,《亚洲体育博彩平台》,并通过免费报名参加活动邀请 欧文康考迪亚大学 父连接关联.





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